Colloquium Announcement
![]() ![]() | Colloquium # 324
Laboratory Simulation of Basic Space Plasma Phenomena
Dr. Bill Amatucci Robert
Naval Research Laboratory in Washington, DC
Monday, 24th April at 3:30 PM

A rich variety of wave phenomena exist in virtually every region of the geospace environment. Understanding of the various wave signatures and driving mechanisms provide insight into the local conditions, not only at the instant that the waves are observed, but also into how the conditions may evolve in time. Comprehensive, controlled investigations of the detailed microphysics associated with these waves are difficult to accomplish through in situ methods alone. Space-based measurements typically offer a statistical picture, built up over long periods of time and under varying conditions. Consequently, properly scaled laboratory experiments performed under controlled, repeatable conditions can offer an important complementary approach to investigating the space plasma wave dynamics.
We present an overview of several key wave modes found in the various regions with a particular emphasis on significant contributions of laboratory investigations toward the present understanding of the wave dynamics, validation of theoretical models, and interpretation of the in situ observations.
About the Speaker
Dr. Bill Amatucci is the head of the Space and Laboratory Plasma Branch in the Plasma Physics Division at the Naval Research Laboratory in Washington, DC. He performs laboratory plasma experiments in NRL’s Space Physics Simulation Chamber. His research interest plasma waves and instabilities, wave-particle interactions, and plasma diagnostic development. His group also develops instruments for space flight.