Colloquium Announcement
![]() | Colloquium # 332
Converting liquid droplets to mini-accelerators using ultra fast lasers
Prof. M. Krishnamurthy
Center Director, TIFR Hyderabad
Wednessday, 14th Feb at 3:30 PM

Intense ultrashort pulse lasers generate relativistic electrons when the intensity reaches relativistic scales, 1018 Wcm-2 for 800nm pulses. This requires Terra watt class lasers that are complex, cumbersome, expensive and deliver typically 10 pulses per second. While the electron/x-rays/proton beams generated from such system have shown a lot of promise, developing applications on such systems is very challenging. I will talk about experiments where even at a 1/100th of laser intensity, it is feasible to generate relativistic electron beam of 1 MeV energy with multi kHz few mJ/pulse lasers. We show that plasma wave instabilities generated and manipulated with suitable targetry is the underlying mechanism. The source size of the short pulse electron beam is amenable for x-ray radiography and shadowgraphy.
About the Speaker
Prof. M.Krishnamurthy is the center director at TIFR. He is an experimental physicist in the field of atomic, molecular and optical sciences who has carried out basic research on various aspects of laser-matter interactions. He is a fellow of INSA and Indian academy of sciences. He was a swarnajayanthi fellow and was also granted distinguised outstanding investigator fellowship of DAE.