Aug. 6-7, 2015 at the Department of Physics, Jadavpur University, Kolkata
About the Venue
Jadavpur University, located in southern part of Kolkata, was led by intellectuals, statesmen and the middle-class intelligentsia, and its aim was to cultivate the best of global learning and technology in order to build a self-reliant industrial base for India. It was established in 1955 by the Govt. of West Bengal. Its mission is to impart training to students in the appropriate technology so that the country could produce indigenous technologies that benefit the society. The founders believed that the Technology Faculty could not sustain itself without active Faculties of the Basic Sciences and the Humanities. While playing a vital role in technical education in the country, the University may be said to rest on three pillars-Technology, Science and Arts. Jadavpur University is at present an internationally recognized premier university of this country. Details can be obtained from http://www.jaduniv.edu.in/