The topical meeting series of NFP was started with an intension of giving a common platform for the various groups undertaking R&D projects of NFP in similar areas. Some of the areas identified are, Lithium based ceramics, cryogenics, Magnets, Electronics & data acquisition, welding technologies, Carbon Fiber Composites etc.

These highly focussed meetings will have invited talks by experts in the area of research as well as contributed talks by the PI's of the related projects being funded by NFP. Also, a group / panel discussion on the future course of R&D in the concerned area will also be discussed.

Title of the Topical Meeting



Summary Document

Workshop On Development Of Lithium Based Ceramics For Tritium Breeding

NIT Rourkela

10-11 June 2011

Second Theme Meeting on

Lithium Ceramics for Tritium Breeding (LCTB-2016)

IIT Madras

25-26 Aug, 2016

© NFP 2016