Plasma Outreach Programme
ICFAI University Agartala (Tripura)
5-8 June, 2023

IPR outreach conducted a week long scientific outreach programme at Agartala in Tripura. The programme was organized at the ICFAI University Tripura at Agartala (Tripura), in association with the Department of Physics, ICFAI University and the  Indian Association of Physics Teachers (IAPT) and on during 5-8 June, 2023.  This is IPR’s first outreach activity in the state of Tripura.  The programme consisted of an exhibition on plasma, its applications as well as a training programme on plasma & its applications for science teachers.  The event was inaugurated by Shri N. C. Sharma, Director, Higher Education, Government of Tripura.

The 4-day exhibition was attended by over 600 students of schools in Agartala as well as students from the ICFAI University. As part of the event, a competition of the game “Operation Tokamak” was also organized for school and college students.  Fifty students of BSc Physics from ICFAI University were trained by IPR team to explain the exhibits to visitors.

During the 4 days of the exhibition, over 550 students and teachers from over 40 schools and colleges in Agartala visited the exhibition.

Click on the image to view video/360 image/newspaper report of the event
View of the exhibition of Plasma and its applications at the ICFAI University
Inauguration of the event
Student volunteers trained by IPR team explaining the exhibits to the visitors
Training the student volunteers

Training programme for science teachers in plasma & its applications
Concluding session and felicitation of best volunteers
IPR team with the scientific volunteers from ICFAI University

© IPR, 2023