India's first Multi-City, Mega-Science Exhibition

Department of Atomic Energy (DAE), Departmant of Science & Technology (DST) and the national Council for Science Museums (NCSM) are jointly orgainzing the Mega Science Exhibition (Vigyan Samagam), at 4 cities across India from May 2019 to March 2020.  This exhibition will showcase India's participation in various international mega science projects like CERN, FAIR, INO, ITER, LIGO, SKA, TMT and MACE.  The exhibition will be on display at four cities for a period of 2 months each.

Apart from this, each host institute will get one week for their scientific outreach. The ITER week will have interactive exhibits on plasma and applications of plasma that will be on display for the whole week at the exhibition venues.

For more details, please browse to

Exhibition Dates
Open on ALL days, 10:00-18:00
Dates of Main Exhibition
ITER-Plasma Week
8-May to
07-Jul, 2019
Nehru Science Centre, Worli
29-Jul to
28-Sep, 2019
Visvesvaraya Museum, Bengaluru
04-Nov to
31-Dec, 2019
Science City, Kolkata
21-Jan to
20-Mar, 2020
National Science Centre, New Delhi

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