National Technology Day 2023
L. D. College of Engineering, Ahmedabad
18-19 May, 2023

IPR, in association with L D College of Engineering, Ahmedabad conducted a 2-day program to celebrate the National Technology Day at the LDCE campus at Ahmedabad during 18-19 May, 2023. This is the second year in succession that IPR and LDCE are jointly conducting this state level programme.  The guests of the event were Director SAC, Shri Nilesh M. Desai and Director IPR Dr. Shashank Chaturvedi.

The NTD2023 showcased several competitive events such as quiz, Skit, Elocution, Code and circuit debugging, technical models and Drafting Dynamics. Student participants from engineering colleges across Gujarat also exhibited their scientific projects at the event. IPR Outreach Division also organized an exhibition on plasma and applications. 

Click on the image to view video/360 image/newspaper report of the event

View of the exhibition of Plasma as well as the technical models by engineering students.

Director, IPR lighting the lamp and addressing the gathering during inauguration of the event
The inaguration of the NTD-2023 underway at LD college of Engineering, Ahmedabad
Shri Nilesh M. Desai, Director, SAC Ahmedabad addressing the gathering

"B-Chai Pitch" interaction of students with start-up entreprenurs
Circuit Debugging competition in progress
Code Debugging competition in progress
Student volunteers from LDCE explaining the IPR exhibits to visitors

Concluding session of NTD 2023
Prize distribution
IPR team with the NTD 2023 organizing team from LDCE

© IPR, 2023