Contact: Mr.Vinay Menon

(vinay289 AT

Ph.No: +91-79-2396 2239

Pressure drop studies are very important in the view of single and two phase flow distribution and safety parameter like Critical Heat Flux (CHF). The pressure drop first decreases with increase in heat flux due to decrease in near wall viscosity until it reaches to some critical point between ONB (Onset of nucleate boiling) and OSV (onset of significant voids) then it increases with further increases in heat flux due to increase in void fraction and ultimately reaches to CHF. It may be noted that pressure drop fluctuation due to bubble induced turbulence in subcooled two phase flow is also important, which enhances further by increase in void fraction. The DPTs at HHFTF have high accuracies to  measure the pressure drop during heat flux tests.


Min Span (bars)


Max Span (bars)


Maximum Working Pressure range

315 bar

Process Fluid



4-20mA HART

Material of Body and wetted  part

SS 316L


0.035% of span

Degree of Protection

IP 67

Process Connection

1/4" NPT and 1/2" NPT

Temperature of process Fluid

-40°C to +125°C

Ambient temperature

-40°C to +85°C

Power supply

10.2 -42.4 V DC


LCD Display

Differential Pressure Transmitter